Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last Day

There was a bomb that went off and blew up the city. Montag was with his runaway friends. They saw the bomb coming and tried to warn people but it exploded and no one was left. He and his friends went walking and followed the old train tracks to find the people.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today we read about Montag when he ran away. He is on the side of a rail rode track and he met about 4 or 5 other guys. But before he ran away he crassed a river and lost the hound and the helecopters. So they made up a ending so they would end the news with a bang. They caught a guy that was just walking down the street.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Today I read about Montag was is wanted for murder. But he ran away and is on the run from the cops. It was about Montag almost being hit buy a beetle(car) but he fell so the car couldnt hit him becuse the car was going to fast and would have fliped if it had rn him over. When the car drove past him it ran over his finger. He thought that the car just cam to scare him but then it turned around and started speedingback. Montag ran into an alley before the car had seen where he had whent.